These cards are primarily cartoon drawings with captions. Those that are more wordy might be found under Poems, Predictions, or other categories.
Block Busters (blue tint, funny/comedic) ( 1948 Exhibit )
blue tint risque comic (bold blue captions) ( 1940s Mutoscope blank )
Cartoon (3 color) (M) ( no date Mutoscope ) - red/yellow/blue
comedic, cartoon (greenish-brown tint) ( 1948 Exhibit 32 blank )
comedic, drawing (grey tint) ( 1945 Exhibit 64 blank ) - COMPLETE!
comedic, drawing (grey tint) ( 1947 Exhibit 32 blank ) - COMPLETE!
comic, some risque, blue ink, thin line drawings, bold caption ( unknown blank ) - MADE IN U.S.A. only on front
Green Tint Humorous ( no date Mutoscope ) - green tint, large type
humorous blue tint (various) ( 1927 Exhibit )
humorous red/pink tint (various) ( no date Exhibit )
Meyer Levin (B&W) ( 1946 Mutoscope blank )
They’ll Do It Every Time ( 1945 Mutoscope 32 ) - COMPLETE!
Block Busters (blue tint, funny/comedic) ( 1948 Exhibit )
blue tint risque comic (bold blue captions) ( 1940s Mutoscope blank )
Cartoon (3 color) (M) ( no date Mutoscope ) - red/yellow/blue
comedic, cartoon (greenish-brown tint) ( 1948 Exhibit 32 blank )
comedic, drawing (grey tint) ( 1945 Exhibit 64 blank ) - COMPLETE!
comedic, drawing (grey tint) ( 1947 Exhibit 32 blank ) - COMPLETE!
comic, some risque, blue ink, thin line drawings, bold caption ( unknown blank ) - MADE IN U.S.A. only on front
Green Tint Humorous ( no date Mutoscope ) - green tint, large type
humorous blue tint (various) ( 1927 Exhibit )
humorous red/pink tint (various) ( no date Exhibit )
Meyer Levin (B&W) ( 1946 Mutoscope blank )
They’ll Do It Every Time ( 1945 Mutoscope 32 ) - COMPLETE!